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A message to be told? A story of passion? A campaign against the establishment? Surely not a 'journey through cancer'? 'Who's Been Peeping In My Bed?' is my story about my fight against cancer and living with the disease; a disease that was looked upon like leprosy in the early days. Now people are living with cancer and opening a new window in their world. I have tried to express how cancer opened my eyes to things that matter; hence my campaign for the accessibility of new cancer drugs for everyone, which forms a substantial part of my story. It deals with the difficulties faced in obtaining the drugs that have helped me, but are not freely available on the NHS. This does not take away from the reality that must be faced; instead it simply tries to make it part of a new way of life.

Who's Been Peeping in My Bed?

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    All the profits from this book are donated to the charities St. Richard's Hospice, Worcester and Bowel Cancer UK.
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